I got challenged to do this by my sweet friend Carly. I haven't done one of these in a long time... so here it goes...
1) What's your favorite salad dressing? lite ranch
2) Have you ever smoked heroin? no
3) Favorite holiday? Christmas
4) Favorite drinks at Sonic? strawberry limeaid
5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? no
6) What do you think of hot dogs? I like them
7) Favorite Christmas song? silent night
8) What do you prefer to drink in the morning? diet dr. pepper
9) Can you do push ups? yes
10) Can you do a chin up? no
11) What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring
12) Favorite hobby? shopping
13) Ever been in a car wreck? yes
14) Do you have ADD? I don't think so
15) What's one thing that you love about yourself? being a wife and parent
16) Middle name? whitt, ok, jo (no laughing)
18) Name 3 things you bought yesterday? gas, stamps and something on ebay
19) Current worry? nothing
20) Current hate right now? getting up early
21) Favorite Restaurant? luvicis
22) How did you bring in the New Year? with the family
23) Where would you like to go? on a trip anywhere with my husband
24) What's your favorite food? salad
25) What's something exciting in your life? my kids
26) What shirt are you wearing now? white shirt and black and white pants
27) Do you like to sleep on satin sheets? I don't know
28) Can you whistle? yes
29) Favorite color? blue
30) Would you be a pirate? maybe
31) What songs do you sing in the shower? usually something that i hear on Noggin
32) Favorite girl's name? Josephine
33) Favorite boy's name? Whitt and Hudson
34) What's in your pocket? nothing
35) Last thing that scared you? Hudson falling
36) Favorite TV show? 2 and a half men
38) Do you love where you live? yes
39) How many TVs do you have in your house/apartment? 4
40) Who is your loudest friend? hmmmm
41) How many pets do you have? 1
42) Do you have any tattoos or piercings? my ears are pierced
43) Whats your husband's/wife's name? Michael
44) What is something you can't live without? my family
45) What is your favorite candy? peanut m &ms
46) What's your favorite sport to watch? college football
47) What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping
48) What's your favorite store? target
49) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? how long do i have before whitt has to be at school????
50) What time is it? 10:40
I challenge Lacy, Kelley and Shelly to do this and post it on your blog